Christina Corpus’ two-year tenure as San Mateo County sheriff has been plagued by dishonesty, conflicts of interest and her creation of a retaliatory and abusive work environment.
Corpus should be removed from office. But reversing the outcome of an election is a serious step that should be done directly by voters at the ballot box or through legal action that provides for due process.
The solution is not to rewrite the county charter to give the Board of Supervisors one-time power to fire just her. That’s why voters should reject on the special March 4 ballot.
Measure AThere are already two ways to remove Corpus, or any other local elected official, from office. Corpus’ opponents could — and should — utilize those routes.
Opponents should launch a recall election, used successfully last year in the East Bay to oust and .
Oakland Mayor Sheng ThaoAlameda County District Attorney Pamela PriceAnd they should continue pressing the San Mateo County Civil Grand Jury to investigate and file an accusation of malfeasance, triggering a trial that could lead to Corpus’ removal from office. That was the process that led to the resignation by and conviction of .