Inner Wheel is hosting a champagne brunch fundraiser Sunday, Feb. 23, at the Saratoga Country Club to support the Myoelectric Limb Project. The project provides children with advanced myoelectric prosthetics, allowing them to control artificial limbs using their muscle signals. Saratogan and Inner Wheel member Janice LeFevre says, “This is an amazing program that gives mobility and independence. There is still time to buy raffle tickets for gift baskets.” Contact LeFevre at [email protected].
The Village Gardeners will celebrate their 20th anniversary Tuesday, March 4, at 11 :30 a.m. at Florentine’s in the Village. The volunteer band of gardeners has donated time and energy to keep the Village looking great. Notice the daffodils springing up. Gardener Jill Hunter invites the public to attend, and sends “special thanks to the City of Saratoga staff and John Cherbone, who has been instrumental in the success of the project, and to real estate agents Gail Evjenth and Bev Harada, who have donated to the gardeners for the last 10 years.”
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Children are encouraged to wear green and join the children’s St. Paddy’s Day party on Saturday, March 15, 2-4 p.m. Sponsored by the Saratoga Village Development Council, the event is free. In addition to activities, each child will have an opportunity to win a gold dollar.
Downtown Saratoga also has options for those whose St. Patrick’s Day activities include imbibing adult beverages. ManyFriends Brewing Company makes all their beers a on site at their tasting room on Big Basin Way, and their brewing operations can be viewed from the tasting area.
Having a brew at The Bank is a longtime St. Pat’s tradition in Saratoga. The authentic watering hole at 14421 Big Basin Way has a good beer selection, and often hosts karaoke.
Summer may seem a long way off, but Montalvo Arts Center has opened sign up for their popular summer camps, designed for youth ages 6-14 to flex their artistic muscles and make new friends. Also at Villa Montalvo, a Mad Hatter’s Tea is set for Sunday, March 23. Naturally, hats are a must. This is usually a sellout, so get your tickets fast.
Welcome to new Yoga Six studio owner Ajnavi Kumar. Six different yoga classes are offered, from hot and powerful to slow and mindful, for beginners or experienced. Instructors are easy to follow and understand and will help you find the right class to achieve your goals. Kumar is offering three classes for $36 to Saratoga residents.14415 Big Basin Way, [email protected]
Many have seen it, but not all have visited the concrete box on Mt. Umunhum, the iconic radar tower that was once a key part of the West Coast’s missile defense system After years as the Almaden Air Force Station, the site was added to the Midpeninsula Open Space District and opened to public access in 2017. You can hike or drive to the summit, one of the highest peaks in the Santa Cruz Mountains, to experience 360-degree views and learn a little about the site’s native American and military history.
The Los Gatos Saratoga Parks and Recreation summer catalog is out, both printed and online. They offer great public recreation programs sure to fit tastes and abilities.
If you have business or social news about Los Gatos, I’d like to know: [email protected].