OAKLAND — PG&E has , depending on the outcome of a new regulatory proceeding that’s tied to the cost of financing the utility titan’s operations.
filed a proposal that could raise monthly billsThe potential for arrives at a time when to keep ratepayer costs to an annual increase that is close to the , as measured by consumer prices.
higher monthly billsPG&E has been battlinggeneral inflation rateThe cost of capital proposal is part of a regulatory process that occurs roughly every three years to explore how PG&E’s investments are financed — and what burden falls on ratepayers as a result.
Oakland-based PG&E filed its cost of capital proposal with the state Public Utilities Commission on Thursday.
“If approved, PG&E’s proposal would increase residential customer bills by approximately $5.50 per month, reflecting a higher interest rate environment,” PG&E stated in an email the utility sent to this news organization.