Horoscopes January 14, 2025: LL Cool J, don’t waste time
Astrological advice for and others born on this date
Asking Eric: The mom overreacted and limited my contact with the grandkids
Our son has gone underground and won’t weigh in on his wife’s dictum.
Harriette Cole: My boss must have noticed how uptight I’ve gotten
Plus: Do I need to leave the big city for my husband’s well-being?
Miss Manners: My friend’s husband is upset about me, and now he wants a divorce
I’m currently their houseguest. The tension is insane.
Today in History: January 14, Lance Armstrong admits to using performance-enhancing drugs
Cyclist Lance Armstrong ended a decade of denial by confessing to Oprah Winfrey during a…
Dear Abby: His ‘quick remodel’ has left us without our kitchen or bathroom for months
Plus: Abby is chided for preaching against open relationships.